Hasbro Toy Company

-Hasbro Toys-

I had the opportunity to work with one of the leading toy companies in the United States. Hasbro is known for their many different brands for children of all different ages. One thing I had to understand was the different play habits children have at certain ages. The ability to create, learn, imagine and Play are seen at different age groups.

Hasbro wanted me to create a new toy that would be fun to use but also learn from for a boy the ages 4 - 6. The first step was to do research on play habits, toys on the market and different characters that were popular to the children at that time. After choosing a direction I wanted to pursue, I started the design process for the project.

Design Process
- Brainstorming
- Ideating
- Mock-ups
- Testing/Play Time
- Concept Renders
- 3D Computer Model
- Final Physical Model

It was a great project to really open up on and act like a big kid again!

-Hasbro Toys-

Zachary Voelker
Industrial Design Student Purdue University Evansville, IN