HON Furniture

(HON) Organizer

48-2 is a design competition Purdue has every year for the Industrial design students. We have 48 hours to create 24 concepts for the company that is sponsored that year. This gives the seniors the opportunity to lead their team in a competitive design competition around the world (Literally). This year the seniors lead students from Purdue University and Nanjing University in China. It gave us the opportunity to work with China hand and hand on design process, manufacturing and communication.

This year our design brief was to create products that would help with organization in offices. From the beginning, time management was very important to help stay on task. Our design process included: research, brainstorming, ideating, mock-ups, user testing, concept photoshop renders, model making and presentations to the company. Over all it was a great learning experience.

-HON Furniture-

Zachary Voelker
Industrial Design Student Purdue University Evansville, IN