Sr.Creative Designer and Animator
PNT Global
I was doing visualizing and designing the website and web Application Interface and Software Interface. Design and Animate CD Presentations and Flash Layout. Design Occasionally Animated Cards. Design brochures. Website Projects: http://www.debtreleasedirect.co.uk http://www.adsplusonline.com http://www.almunaf.com http://www.fsdsolutions.com www.ssidecisions.com http://jacobsrealtygroup.nethttp://www.championsrealestategroup.com
Web Designer and Animator
Cerebrum Tech
Responsibilities: Responsible for create, edit, and updating websites of fortune 500 companies. Working with customers for collecting and obtaining approvals on their site designs. Responsible for web site maintenance such as additions, changes, proof reading, etc. Meeting with web team members for planning and collaborative design. Producing archives of all web design projects upon completion. Staying abreast of the latest technologies for web design and function and collaborating with external web developers as necessary to insure advanced web site functionality. Net Access Communication Systems (Pvt) Ltd.
Experienced Graphic / Multimedia and Web Designer with practical hands
on experience in web page designing, 2d animation and who can interpret a brief and produce exceptional results to given specifications within budget guidelines having highly developed research and analytical capabilities, exceptional interpersonal and administrative skills.
Sr. UI/UX Mobile Designer
Royal Cyber Inc.
Responsibilities: Creates the User Experience designs for Mobile Applications. Designs UI for Native Apps. Create html based on jQueryMobile framework. Projects: American Express Credit Card Bahrain (Native, Html Web) CICS Mortgage Calculator Native App BPM ODM Worklight Integration (Android App) iPhone Projects: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/cics-mortgage-calculator/id674585356 mt=8
Sr UI Designer
GoodCore Software (Pvt) Ltd.
Responsibilities: Php and .Net Website based design and implementation with developers Design Mobile and iPhone Application Interfaces and Software Interfaces for Desktop and Online Applications. Branding for company in terms of brochures, Flyers, Backdrop Wall Design, Standees, Letter Heads, Visiting Cards. Website Projects: www.okay.com www.reviewmo.com www.goodcoresoft.com http://gpsformoney.ca/calculator/beforeyoustart http://www.botnik.com/ iPhone/iPad projects: http://itunes.apple.com/app/spot the-jungle-animal/id496446007 ls=1&mt=8 http://itunes.apple.com/app/spot-the-farm-animal/id483559826 mt=8 Active Capital IT - Jan 2011 Oct 2011 Design Lead - Graphics and UI Specialists Responsibilities: Design Web, Mobile and Mobile Application Interfaces and Software Interfaces. Responsible to maintain user interface compatible with cross browsers and devices support including iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android. Develop ERD systems visuals in Illustrator for different Projects.
Sr. Graphic Designer Layout and Web Specialist
TenPearls LLC
Responsibilities: Design Web, Mobile and iPhone Application Interfaces and Software Interfaces. Responsible to Design Website Web2.0 Mockups and Intranet Portal. Design brochures, Letter Heads, Visiting Cards and Greetings Card. Design Logos and themes for the companies. Website Projects: www.paxfire.com www.miltours.com www.dragile.com http://www.salesonly.ca http://www.aandgtrading.com www.reachlocal.co.uk http://www.20000dialogues.org/ www.insuredsolutions.net/ www.bradcorpfoodservices.com www.integralcoaches.com www.accelhr.com www.mhparc.org www.callcenter.net.pk www.defining-value.com www.defenselawyerga.com Mobile web projects: http://www.tenpearlsdemo.com/umuc/index.html http://www.tenpearls.net/immunology/mobile/index.php/user iPhone/iPad projects: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cricket-scorekeeper/id385433317 mt=8 http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/utrack-lite/id363486040 mt=8 http://www.apple.com/iphone/business/profiles/memorial-hermann/ http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/whats-cooking-lite/id375955188 http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/profitrakr/id406316344 mt=8 Android projects: http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/productivity/utrack_luae.html http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/books_and_reference/umuc-university-of- maryland_mwug.html*nav=recategorized http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/screenshots/13982