YaySockPuppet is the ridiculous pseudonym of Columbus artist Sharon Dorsey. Her artwork often blurs the lines between art/craft and creepy/cute. She uses a blend of traditional craft supplies, found items, sculpting media, and occasionally some dead animal parts to create her signature puppets, masks, plush creatures, art dolls, and customized vinyl toys. She also enjoys painting and drawing and writing witty blog posts and craft tutorials. Wanna know her sculpting secrets? She'd be happy to walk you through any process that helps you get from artistic point A to artistic point B. She basically wants the best for you. She thinks you deserve it.
By day this amazing lady works at Open Door Art Studio as Volunteer Coordinator and Art Facilitator. What? You've not been there yet? Let's put that on your calendar.
If you need to get in touch with Sharon she can be reached at yaysockpuppet@gmail.com or better yet, visit her at work and buy some genuine outsider art made by the most amazing people EVER!