Software Engineer(Front End)
Bengaluru, India
Oct 2017 - Present (7 years 5 months)
Worked on : Adobe Photoshop CC, Illustrator, InDesign, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
Contribution: Designed a dynamic website for the company using Adobe Photoshop and illustrator CC and developed them using HTML5, CSS 3 and JavaScript and PHP technologies and maintained it which included the information about the website and also the services provided by the company. It included the chat application that was integrated as a third party application and the design had been customized according to the company needs.
Project : Atroincorporated.net (Client Website) Description: Developed a website for a client (Atro Incorporated) using HTML 5 and CSS, JavaScript. Designed the home page layout as well as the contact page information including the google map integration.
Project : "Maventum Vault" Description: Designed an in-house product "vault" that was developed using HTML 5, JavaScript for a recruitment domain which was a web application that stored all the required details of the candidates and could be fetched whenever needed, and status of the candidate's application could be monitored by the admin.
Software Engineer Intern
HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited) F & F Division
Bengaluru, India
Feb 2017 - Jun 2017 (4 months)
Worked on: C#.Net, SQL Server 2014, Visual studio 2012 Contribution: Designed and Designed a Desktop Tool's Front end mock ups using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CC. Developed the tool using C#.net, SQL Server 2014 that was used to monitor the tickets that were being raised by the employees in the same office from departments. Designed a calendar module that helped the user to schedule their meetings as well as the tickets regarding their particular issues. Accolades - Received a letter of appreciation award for delivering the product("IT Help Desk") in time to the client from IT Department, HAL F & F Division. -