Painter, Graphic Designer, Illustrator
Painter, Graphic Designer, Illustrator
Jan 2008 - 2011 (3 years 2 months)
Studio artist producing generative and computational art forms in various medium (computer screen, installations, prints and paintings).
- 2011 "influx: Multimedia Art Strategy in Indonesia" group exhibition with leading Indonesian new media artists at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta. Part of Decompression #10 ruangrupa 10th year Anniversary.
- 2010 "Expressive Computation Show" at Museum of The Future exhibition, as part of Pasar Seni ITB 2010 (ITB Art Fair) at ITB Bandung.
- 2010 "The Loss of The Real" new media art exhibition with artists from Japan, France, Pakistan, and Indonesia at Selasar Sunaryo ArtSpace, Bandung as part of Common Room NuSubstance Festival 2010: Floating Horizon.
- 2009 "Nu-Substance Festival: Resonance. Video and Interactive Installation" group exhibition at France Cultural Center, Bandung
- 2009 "Emerging Artist" Sidharta Auctioneer, Jakarta
- 2009 "VoicePaint" at Forum Grafika Digital (FGD) Expo, Jakarta
- 2009 "VoicePaint Live with Karinding Attack" at Dies Emas ITB, Bandung
- Hendro Wiyanto, Ugeng T. Moetidjo; influx : Multimedia Art Strategy in Indonesia (Published by Ruangrupa, 2011)
- Widianto Nugroho; Processing: The Beauty of Code (Motion By Design Magazine #02, July 2010).
- Widianto Nugroho; Processing: Bahasa dan Lingkungan Pemrograman Grafis Interaktif (Self Published at Scribd, 2009)
- Widianto Nugroho; Expressive Computation: Artwork By Widianto Nugroho (Self Published at Scribd, 2009)
- Yang Simbolik dan yang Pasca (Majalah Tempo, 2010)
Art as intermediary between media and reality (The Jakarta Post, 2010)
-Resonansi Seniman Video di Bandung (Tempo Interaktif, 2009)
- Nu Substance 2009 (Detik Bandung, 2009)
About Expressive Computation Workshop
Expressive Computation Workshop is an experimental research studio focusing on computational design and programming media. We create works of art with computational and parametric methods.
Jan 2000 - 2010 (10 years 2 months)
webmaster at ITB http://www.itb.ac.id (2000-2010)
Awards received during the service:
▪ 2007 – First Prize “The Best University Web Site” Directorate of Higher Education, Department of Education, Indonesian Government.
▪ 2006 – Ranked 49th of 100 in Asia at “Webometric World Universities' Ranking on the Web.
▪ 2005 – First Prize “The Best University Web Site” Directorate of Higher Education, Department of Education, Indonesian Government.
▪ 2003 – Second Prize “University Web Site Competition” Ministry of Communication and Information Indonesian Government
▪ 2009 "Web Standards in Indonesia – a university web developer perspective" interviewed by Bruce Lawson, WaSP / The Web Standards Project,http://www.webstandards.org/2009/02/20/web-standards-in-indonesia-auniversity-web-developer-perspective/
Microelectronics Center, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jan 2008 - Dec 2009 (1 year 11 months)
Member of WiMax group. Funded by Directorate of Post and Telecomunication, Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information.
Member of RUSNOSS group, working on creating/packaging F/OSS-based (software/hardware) product. Funded by Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology.
Created open source desktop themes that depict Indonesian culture and tradition called Kamonesan. The themes designed to work with GNOME desktop environment, and has distributed to other open source projects, such as the BlankOn project.
Teaching Assistant
Institut Teknologi Bandung
2005 - 2008 (3 years)
Assisting digital printmaking course (seni cetak digital) for undergraduate printmaking major at Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD ITB).
Teaching Processing, an open source programming language and environment to program images, animation, and interactions. More info: http://processing.org
Founding Member
Knowledge Management Research Group (KMRG), ITB
1999 - 2008 (9 years)
Contributed to the mission of the group through personal research and design. Collaboration in group projects, and education.
Programming Language Reference Translators
2005 - 2005
Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is used by students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists for learning, prototyping, and production. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook and professional production tool.
Processing is an open project initiated by Ben Fry and Casey Reas. It evolved from ideas explored in the Aesthetics and Computation Group at the MIT Media Lab.