Warbucks Design
Oct 2014 - Present (10 years 5 months)
• Successfully created a personal t-shirt brand selling over 35,000 tees to date including 300 unique designs.
• Daily social media marketing on the web; updates, contests, submissions & advertising.
• Curator designs for additional t-shirt websites by contacting artists, receiving the art and preparing for print.
• Designed freelance logos for start up companies, athletes and web design.
Graphics Manager/Designer
LSI Graphic Solutions
Apr 2002 - Feb 2016 (13 years 10 months)
• Successfully manage and coordinate graphic design projects using Adobe Suite from concept through completion
on all interior signage for major clients.
• Work closely with sales and clients to create vision, conceive designs and consistently meet clients goals.
• Hands on daily designer while prioritizing and directing ten man graphic team on daily deadlines.
• Illustration, specification drawings, color correction, file formatting, and sending/receiving artwork.
• Directing engineered prototypes in manufacturing shop using CNC programs and routers.
Production Manager
Optamark Printing & Marketing
Jun 2014 - Oct 2014 (4 months)
• Responsible for all retail store and online graphics work while effectively managing and motivating team during
fast paced environment with daily deadlines.
• Illustration, file formatting, sending/receiving artwork, creating print ready artwork, production/printing.
• Work with Optamark online team for logo branding, file creation and creative.
• Manage inventory, printer maintenance, front desk responsibilities, client meetings, team marketing.
Production Manager
SRI Newspapers
Apr 2000 - Apr 2002 (2 years)
• Responsible for production and supervision of all newspaper publications.
• Manage production department while working in contact with sales and editorial staff within strict deadlines.
• Production tasks include ad design, pagination and web work.
• Manage all operational, financial/budget and staffing requirements.
• Perform all Macintosh technical work and troubleshooting.