Self-motivated and ambitious, skillful in many areas of the arts as well as knowledge of the principles and aesthetics of design.
Extensive experience with Adobe Photoshop, Freeway Pro and working on a Mac OSX platform.
Basic knowledge of Maya, Sketchup, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Experience in painting, drawing, sculpting, printmaking, collaging, jewelry making, ceramics and animation.
Recipient of SU Presidential Scholarship and SU Portfolio Scholarship
Animation showcased in the FRESH first-year student School of Art and Design juried exhibition at XL Projects, Syracuse NY
Illustration published in Say Yes program collaborative children's book with other students and elementary school children in the city of Syracuse
Recipient of Thomas Yohe scholarship for outstanding student in illustration
Artwork selected for the 2012 Syracuse Poster Project-illustrated haiku written by Syracuse Poets. Posters displayed and on sale all over downtown
Illustration printed on interior of Connective Corridor bus on the Centro bus line that runs through downtown Syracuse