Lehner funeral

On Oct. 13 Buffalo Police Officer Craig E. Lehner was taking part in a underwater training exercise in the Niagara River where he disappeared. He was tethered to a tender cable when it got stuck. A search began and after five long days of searching, sorrow blended with relief as his body was recovered. The story engulfed the entire region with sadness. Lehner was a K-9 officer and his dog Shield was a big part of this emotional story. The Buffalo News produced a live tribute section the day of his funeral with photos from the morning procession and funeral. Those images and stories were rushed back to the newsroom and 5,000 copies were printed before the funeral ended. The section was handed out to all officers and family as they exited the service.

Freelance, Full-time
Vince Chiaramonte
Regional Creative Director/American City Business Journals Buffalo, NY