Fast 4 Hunger Campaign
As part of Africare's activities to commemorate World Hunger Day, May 28, Africare created the #Fast4Hunger Challenge.
The Challenge: Decide on a length of time you're willing to fast and test how your body responds when hunger persists. Will you be tired, distracted, irritable or weak?
A voluntary, one-day fast is not nearly the same as suffering through months of chronic hunger, but we believe it will help people better understand what torments 870 million people around the world.
If you crave an end to world hunger, Join Africare's #Fast4Hunger Challenge today by:
Downloading the #Fast4Hunger Toolkit to get an avatar, header photo, fact sheet and infographics.
Connecting with Africare on Twitter using the hashtag #Fast4Hunger. Using the same hashtag, #Fast4Hunger, Africare will also host a Twitter chat on World Hunger Day starting at 10 a.m. with participation from Dreaming Out Loud, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, Save the Children and The Hunger Project.