Manhattan College Higgins Engineering and Science Center dedication ceremony invitation. Responsible for concept, design, layout and photo selection.
Manhattan College wall installation for the Higgins Engineering and Science Center. Responsible for the timeline concept and design.
Manhattan College fundraising brochure. Responsible for the concept, design, layout and photo selection.
Manhattan College one sheets. Lead a campaign to update and unify branding on all college school one sheets to engage potential student and parents.
Manhattan College campus visit self-mailer. Responsible for the concept, design and layout.
Manhattan College fundraising self-mailer. Responsible for the concept, layout and photo selection.
Manhattan College recruitment ad and infocard. Responsible for the concept, design and layout including icon creation.
Manhattan College fundraising invitation. Seen here along with the Save the Date postcard and event program. Responsible for the concept, design and layout. Invite features die-cut and gold foil.
Manhattan College annual magazine dedicated to faculty. Responsible for the cover/page design, layout of all content and photo selection.
Higher Education
Freelance, Moonlighting
Tracy Turner
Graphic Design Professional | Marketing & Communication Specialist... New York, NY