Philosophy of Education Statement:
I believe my role as an educator and leader is to be that of a helper or guide as opposed to an authority figure. I feel this way, because I think students and people in general learn better when you show them the way of learning, instead of just giving them the easy way out. As I act as a guide, I provide the directions to information rather than just be the source of knowledge. I believe the students' search for what they need to know and want to know is better met if they learn to find answers to their own questions. My personal teaching style provides an opportunity for continual learning and growth and allows me to share my passion for learning with them. I teach to give students and staff the necessary tools with which to own their own education. To do that as an educator, I help them meet their individual needs to reach their highest potential in the areas I specifically teach and direct them in. I believe “authentic learning situations” are best for students to develop knowledge skills. By providing students access to hands-on activities and allowing adequate time and space to use materials that reinforce the lesson being studied creates an opportunity for individual discovery and construction of knowledge to occur. I do not believe that a student’s intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat data or that truth comes from authority. I do not see a healthy learning environment where students are forced to conform intellectually or socially. As an artist I want to be free thinking and allowed to create as I wish, but as a decent human being I follow rules and order to allow for such things to take place.
"From there it went nowhere. Then after that it fell apart. The next thing I remember here we are. Not to diminish what it was. There's no reason to because. Ago it was so long and away it seems so far. What just happened?"