The assignment was to design and develop a fragrance machine with a retro look, for indoor use like bars & clubs, restaurants, shops, supermarkets, product presentations, and special events. A unique fragrance can be tailor made for all these applications ranging from coconut/beach, to fresh-cut grass. Requirements for the design were: robust, easy to take apart, cheap to produce but quality look, and control elements only accessible for authorized personnel.
A mood board proved to be inspiring in order to set a direction for the design aesthetics.
Visual Mapping was carried out in order to set a creative direction in terms of aesthetics together with the client, Show FX.
Prototyping ideas were also a big part during the design process. In a relative short time, several improvements and optimizations could be made before going into production.
The final design in a bar setting.
Fragrance Machine

Fragrance Machine

Tom Pelzer
Industrial & Interaction Designer Mexico-City, Mexico