The Fire Security Unit is the result of the last student design assignment in a group setting. Our assignment was to design and develop a fire security system which can be installed in so-called IFD (Industrial Flexible Demountable) walls. Throughout the 6 months project thorough company (client), market, and contextual analyses have been carried out. This had lead to a prototype which is easy and flexible to install and use, essential for all involved stakeholders and application areas.
Through carrying out contextual analyses, key insights were found, as well as a understanding of where and how our fire security unit will be used.
Several types of storyboards were made in order to optimally design the Fire Security Unit for both end-users as well as during fabrication and installation.
Overview of the main design features of the Fire Security Unit. It can be installed in all (to date) IFD walls in an easy, effective, and flexible way by only using a screw driver. All elements are also organized in a logical manner, which is crucial in emergency situations.
Design presentation of the fire security unit in practice.
Fire Security Unit

Fire Security Unit

Tom Pelzer
Industrial & Interaction Designer Mexico-City, Mexico