Industrial Designer / Model Maker
Indianapolis, IN
Mar 2011 - Present (14 years)
Industrial Designer, Model Marker, CNC Machinist and Programmer, 3D printing, Laser, Research and Development and Prototyping
• Work with many companies including Delphi Automotive, Eli Lily and Company, GE, Linak, Technicolor, 3M, Hurco, Quirky, ZF TRW.
• Design new products.
• Help assist in the development of a new product designed by a company.
• Create prototypes for new products and inventions. The prototypes range from rough models to fully functional prototypes.
• Create programs to operate the CNC Machine. Control the CNC Machine.
• Create 3d models with 3d Printers.
• Create files and operate the laser machine to cut and etch material.
Industrial Designer / Project Manager
Indianapolis, IN
May 2004 - Mar 2011 (6 years 10 months)
Industrial and Graphic Designer, Production Manager, UL Certifier, IT Specialist, CNC Programmer/Machinist
• Design Structural Signs for Companies and Shopping Plazas; Create drawings for Permit Acquisitions; Choose and order materials by the process the sign will be manufactured; Engineer and Create manufacturing drawings for the production of the product; Assist with installing the signage
• Manage and supervise the manufacturing of the signage to make sure standards are met; Assist with all subcontracted jobs
• Inspect and apply the UL certification
• Repair any computer problems that arise within the company network
• Create all company ads
• Create programs to operate the CNC Machine; Control the CNC Machine