Laying out cut paths on the 16ga steel.
To create a cone, two wood templates of different diameters were made to wrap the steel around.
Rolling the steel around the wood template to create the cone shape.
Stitch welding the cone to prevent burn through and excessive warping.
Grinding a smooth transition in combustion chamber to create the most flow while maintaining a shape that will cause turbulent flow to mix the incoming oxygen and propane fuel.
Current condition as it is still a work in progress.
Valveless Pulse Jet

A valveless pulse jet creates thrust solely through properly sized tubing. This jet will run of propane due to its availability and clean burning characteristic. I undertook this project with a friend just to see if we could build a working jet. There was original plan to put this on anything although we now think it may end up on the back of a go cart or bicycle. Calculations estimate it should produce 60 lbs of thrust. Due to both of us attending different schools, the project is on hold and is currently a work in progress.

Timothy Halsch
Mechanical Engineering Technology student at Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY