Centenarian Gallery - Multi-Media - They’re becoming the new stars and super stars of aging – centenarians - Barbara interviewed centenarians across the country to capture their incredible stories, along with experts in the field of longevity.
Jesse Mind and Machine - Medical Innovations - Jesse Sullivan lost both arms in an electrical accident while working as a power linesman in 2001. Through the work and technology of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Jesse has a bionic arm he can control with the nerve impulses that are generated by his thoughts. Jesse video at: http://www.msichicago.org/whats-here/exhibits/you/the-exhibit/medical-innovations/bionic-arm/
Staying Healthy - Multi-Media - Wrote and produced a series of multi-medias that showcase incredible stories of staying healthy in spite of adversity: The Boy with Half a Brain (Hemispherectomy) Echolocation (seeing without sight) Taiji For Life (using Taiji to cure heart disease)
Create an Ad - Interactive - Interactive experience - Create An Ad lets guests create their own tv commercials while showcasing key elements advertisers use to persuade us. Using the same product, and on-camera talent, I wrote the commercial scripts and produced the multi-media for the experience creating 5 scripts that feature the same product and talent, but with different approaches: plain folks, bandwagon, snob, authority figure, and sex appeal. Guests learn about the psychological tactics they chose.
You! The Experience - Chicago MOSI

YOU! The Experience brings the items that make You You together into an interactive exhibit examining and celebrating the experience of life itself. It is one of the first and largest exhibitions to showcase the connection between the human mind, body and spirit in the 21st century.
As the show writer for the exhibit, I created content for a series of guest experiences. For the Century Club, I interviewed Centenarians across the country to bring their stories to life and interviewed key longevity experts to create compelling media segments. For "Create an Ad" I scripted multiple scenarios and created multiple commercials in which to sell a single product to show how people respond to different advertising tactics. In another series of media stories, I wrote the stories of four individuals who had overcome difficult odds - loss of sight, or limb, or other infirmities to live successful, productive lives.

Barbara Phillips
TellAStory Creative Writer/Storyteller ... Daytona Beach, FL