Seven Screen film tells the incredible story of Tupperware, past, present and future.
Take Your Breath Away spotlights Tupperware representatives "in their own words" around the world.
Guests are invited to take a seat and learn more about what is happening at Tupperware today.
Tupperware Visitor Center

The Tupperware Confidence Center offers a unique look into the past, present and future of one of the world’s most iconic brands. The exhibit showcases Tupperware innovative products through stylistic displays and digital storytelling. As the writer on the project, I developed media content for the story of Earl S. Tupper and Brownie Wise, legendary players in Tupperware''s amazing early success. For the 7-screen film I wrote the script for the story of Tupperware past, present and future.
In addition, interactive screens invited guest participation to learn and experience more of the amazing story of Tupperware.

Barbara Phillips
TellAStory Creative Writer/Storyteller ... Daytona Beach, FL