James Balog and the film crew in the Artic
Eye on Glaciers highlighted the behind the scenes preparation for filming in the Arctic.
Science Stories provided a close-up look at the melting Artic ice sheets.
Extreme Ice Exhibit - Chicago Mosi

American photographer James Balog captured thought-provoking images over a multi-year period that showcase the dramatic extent of melting glaciers around the world. Through stunning photographic documentation and time-lapse videography of these glaciers, Extreme Ice provides guests an emotionally visual representation of climate change. This exhibit encourages and educates guests on how they can make a difference in their daily lives to limit the effects of climate change. .
I interviewed James Balog for the main screen film, and created shorter media pieces to bring the story of the melting glaciers to our guests. Media segments include a look behind the scenes of what it takes to mount an arctic photographic adventure, and a close up look at the people who dare to challenge the ice sheets to bring the story of climate change to life.

Barbara Phillips
TellAStory Creative Writer/Storyteller ... Daytona Beach, FL