Industrial Designer & Product Development Assistant
Oakland, CA
Oct 2012 - Present (12 years 5 months)
Design and sourcing consultancy for consumer products and packaging. Responsibilities include Industrial Designer & design process from ideation to presentation, interaction with clients and manufacturers, handling Product Development Assistant multiple projects at once. Projects include housewares, graphics and packaging, textiles, and consumer electronics. Clients include The Honest Company, Sephora, and St. Michelle Wine Estates.
Contractor - Industrial Design
San Francisco, CA
Jan 2013 - Apr 2013 (3 months)
A collaboration between industrial, graphic, interaction, and exhibit design to create an experience within a public space. Emphasis on exhibit displays, furniture, and human interaction. Contributed to the redesign of the Patricia and Phillip Museum of Science in Miami, Florida.
Industrial Design Intern
Irvine, CA
Sep 2011 - Jan 2012 (4 months)
Design consultancy experience with emphasis on housewares and consumer electronics. Experience with consumer research, CAD modeling/rendering, and group ideation sessions. Worked with clients such as Simplehuman and Harman.