editorial design of art book for Japanese popular singer - From the first debut of Yo Hitoto, a Japanese nationwide popular singer, I was responsible for creating all of her official fun club materials like an art book, fryers, postcards, T-shirts and news letters.
art direction of Mobiles Only magazine
art direction of Mobile Only magazine - Joined to publish new magazine called MOBILES ONLY which mainly carry mobiles phone contents and movie reviews. focused on using dynamic page layout and a variety of illustrations and collages to attract 15-25 years old young people.
Book jacket - Alice's adventures in wonderland - School of Visual Arts Continuing Education Project Instructor: Kevin Brainard As everybody knows Alice`s story, I did not use the stereotype images of Alice and rabbit for the cover. Instead, my concept is creating a trippy yet contemporary image. The spiral circle is the entrance to the wonderland. People think a children book is for children, but I always love to read and collect children books as the older you get, you need more imagination and creativity.
Magazine / Book
Soonhwa Kang
Art director, Graphic designer Haarlem, Netherlands