Website_Mobile service provider_BUZZ - The structure of the website was in the shape of a talk bubble and the theme was " Chatting". All the teasers and the design were done in order to promote chit chat throuh the use of Buzztel mobile services.
Website_Mobile service provider_BUZZ - The structure of the website was in the shape of a talk bubble and the theme was " Chatting". All the teasers and the design were done in order to promote chit chat throuh the use of Buzztel mobile services.
Website_Mobile service provider_BUZZ - The structure of the website was in the shape of a talk bubble and the theme was " Chatting". All the teasers and the design were done in order to promote chit chat throuh the use of Buzztel mobile services.
Website_Mobile service provider_BUZZ - The structure of the website was in the shape of a talk bubble and the theme was " Chatting". All the teasers and the design were done in order to promote chit chat throuh the use of Buzztel mobile services.