I'm a 22 year old male originally form De. with experience in almost every field from the arts to labor skills, cooking to counseling, Event planning to organization. I have excellent interpersonal and social skills and possess the power of persuasion. I'm an extremely motivated individual and don't give up until I succeed. My ultimate goal in life is to be successful in anything that I peruse and I plan on perusing as much as possible. I do custom art work for people and can play guitar some what well and a small amount of piano. I am a skilled wrier of poetry and lyrics as well as reviews on just about anything. Also a passion of mine is using my eclectic group of skills to help others in anyway I can. Currently I promote up and coming musicians and artists such as Bi$cuit B. from the music group Wolffpac302 TAXFR3E.TV whos working with MTM productions and Teenie Mason with here Teenie tots baby shots Tm. Also among other talents I possess I have the ability to look at life outside the normal realm of possibilities to solve all problems, overcome any obstacle, and devour any challenge that lies ahead. One of my all time favorite quotes is "I didn't invent the rainy day, I just own the best umbrella". And right now I'm working on building up my umbrella. But to sum it all up, the best way I can think to put it is I'm excellent at what I do, and I do everything.
Mystery Inkk