Hello! My name is Sean Wise. I have a passion for traveling and photography. I hope to one day be able to travel and take many photos of popular places around the world. Living in Maryland, gives me an advantage of being able to travel to many places including Hershey, PA, Baltimore, NYC, Philadelphia, Inner Harbor, DC, etc. I live in a great area where photographers have a lot to take pictures of.
On top of being able to travel, I hope to be able to be paid and take photos for companies. I remember seeing a job listing for Netflix that pays you to travel and take photos of potential places they can shoot television shows and movies. I remember thinking this was a cool idea and I would love to do something like this down the road. Photography is changing and the rise of 3D technology and shooting high definition is rising! Photo apps like SnapChat and Instagram are two of the most popular social media apps there are. Photography is important to our society and I hope to be able to make a living doing it and incorporating new 3D technology and high definition pictures.
Take a look at some of the photos I have in my portfolio. I have attached my Facebook and Instagram page as places to contact me. You can also hit the mail button (next to portfolio and profile in the top right corner) to contact me!
Thank you!