THE MASK CARVER - street scene
AIR SPACE - street scene
COMMUTER - street scene
TETHERED - street scene
CHICKENS - street scene
THE OLD AND THE NEW - street scene
OFFERING - street scene
ALL CREATURES - temple scene
GUARDIAN - street scene
PAGODAS - temple scene
TRUNK - animal study

As with all visitors to Bali, on my recent first visit I was immediately struck by the level of devotion to religion and ritual displayed by the Balinese people. Natives readily discuss their culture's specific Hindu Animist beliefs that spirits are found in all living things and how a balance exists between humans, gods, and the underworld. Man's actions are seen as being crucial to help maintain the harmony between godly and evil forces.

That is why throughout the day you will see Balinese leaving the spirits offerings as a sign of reverence at shrines or palinggih all over the island. In fact, every traditional Balinese home has a sanggah or walled shrine area that holds several alters. Offerings can be food such as biscuits, candy or rice, coins or ornaments constructed of flowers or palm leaf. Each offering type represents a specific desire that the person leaving it hoped for-such as good luck, more business, or improved health. ...COMPLETE EXHIBITION ESSAY AVAILABLE BY REQUEST.

Seth Simon
Photographer New York, NY