Charlottesville, VA
Jun 2015 - Present (9 years 9 months)
In-House Tooling & Structural Designer
Carded Graphics Packaging
Staunton, VA
Feb 2012 - Jun 2015 (3 years 4 months)
At Carded Graphics Packaging, I designed paperboard packages and dies for die-cutting. I also designed and built tooling (stripping and blanking) to be used on the die-cutting presses.
Logistics Specialist / Content Developer
J.W. Sieg Wines
Dec 2009 - Feb 2012 (2 years 2 months)
At J.W. Sieg Wines, I designed point of purchase displays and marketing brochures. I also processed incoming orders from the sales staff.
Industrial Designer
Renovo Hardwood Bicycles
Dec 2008 - Mar 2010 (1 year 3 months)
At Renovo, I created CAD models of new frames, photographed newly built frames and bicycles, assisted in the manufacturing of the frames, and designed marketing material such as brochures.
Renovo manufactures bicycle frames from various hardwoods and bamboo lumber.
Industrial Design Intern
Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc.
May 2007 - Nov 2007 (6 months)
During my internship at Hamilton Beach, I worked with members of the engineering and marketing teams to design and develop small kitchen appliances. For example, I designed this toaster that is now being sold under the Proctor-Silex brand:
Virginia Tech Industrial Design
Aug 2003 - May 2007 (3 years 9 months)