Furniture Designer - Contract
Uli Wagner LLC
Brooklyn, NY
Design Development * Develop design concepts from sketches, Adobe Illustrator and SolidWorks. * Work closely with Design Principle to resolve design issues and finalize concepts.
Design Teacher - Contract
Bronx River Art Center
Portage, United States
Program Management * Design curriculum for intensive summer furniture design program. * Work closely with staff and venders to facilitate program and make arrangements as needed. * Instruct 18 students in design introduction with a focus on furniture design. * Provide sketching and modeling making demos, as well as introduce students to computer-aided design. * Arrange and lead visits to NYC design studios and museums. Manhattan
Soft Goods Designer
Design Development & Management
Portage, United States
* Designed new bag concepts. Developed concepts from sketches and paper models to Illustrator renderings. * Developed prototype instructions for overseas prototype and production manufacturing. * Worked closely with design team to develop and finalize prototypes. * Contributed to branding and identity management.
Teacher's Assistant
Pratt Institute * Assisted in leading a team of Pratt alumni and undergraduates in presenting design concepts to Sanofi. * Led classes in design brainstorming sessions and sketch model critiques. * Worked with individual students in assessing ideas and gathering ideation concepts. Program Management * Worked closely with Team Lead and Sanofi to develop and implement the program. * Managed day-to-day tasks in providing recording materials and posting progress online. * Managed dialog between groups.
Senior Marketing Manager
Washington, DC
Program Management * Developed and managed successful nationwide community activation initiative, to include program conceptualization and promotion, partner and consumer activation, as well as product and collateral creation. * Conceptualized and managed preferred vendor program to better leverage strengths and synergies of manufacturing partners. Creative Management * Developed and managed creative collateral, promotional kit and website development for multiple cause-marketing programs. * Developed and managed relationships with creative agencies and print and collateral vendors. * Contributed to advertising development and management.
Marketing Program Manager
XM Satellite Radio
Washington, DC
- Automotive Communications and Events Communications Management * Developed and managed the creation of all XM consumer and non-consumer facing automotive marketing communications, including POS, in-vehicle, training, and tradeshow and event marketing materials. * Conceptualized and collaborated with automotive partners to develop co-branded showroom and in-vehicle materials. * Contributed to automotive advertising development and management. * Managed relationships with creative agencies, print vendors, and promotional item distributors. Event Management * Planned and managed XM presence and activation at all XM sponsored automotive events, including US global auto shows, annual automotive partner dealer meetings, sports and automobile enthusiast events. * Negotiated and booked musical talent for XM sponsored automotive events. Coordinated logistics including staging, backline, hospitality and travel buyout. Brand Management * Managed brand integrity. Ensured that all printed collateral, promotional items, and display properties adhere to brand guidelines. * Contributed to building brand equity.
Marketing Coordinator
WorldSpace Satellite Radio
Silver Spring, MD
Corporate Marketing * Developed marketing and sales tools. * Contributed to product rollout and development activities, including market research, analysis and recommendations for implementation. * Edited and created copy for bi-monthly newsletter. Global Market Planning * Contributed to the development of global marketing and branding initiatives. * Provided specialized marketing project assistance in developing regional pilot programs. * Conducted pricing research and made recommendations in conjunction with product development. Ad Campaign Management * Developed creative concepts, ad copy and messaging. * Managed ad scheduling, publication relations and bill management. * Forged and maintained relationships with creative agencies. Professional Profile George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 1995 Bachelor of Arts, International Relations