I am a graduate from the University in Nis. Being an architectural engineer, I specialize in public and housing design as well as urban design studies as well as theoretical discourse.
I am currently doing a PhD thesis on urban planning with renewable energies.
Professionally, I am up for functional architectural design, which tends to me humane, green and above all, satisfying the needs of an individual and the society on a longer scale. I put an emphasis on protecting the history without necessarily being slave of it. That is why I am for the improvement which speaks the language of the past or at least the one that communicates with it nicely but allows the new ideas to enter as prime purpose.
I am doing mainly architectural design projects but am interested in both design and architecture.
Looking forward to new assignments within architecture, urban design and graphic presentations and studies in general.
• I prize, Triennial of architecture, award for the diploma project of the student dorm, 2009
• I prize, House in Graz, call competition, 2008
• II prize, Justice center in Vienna, EU opened competition, 2008
graduated architectural engineer