Product Marketing
Mount Carmel, IL
Oct 2016 - Present (8 years 5 months)
I work directly with all of Pacific's departments to promote the products and services that Pacific offers, while promoting our brand within the heavy machinery industry.
My daily tasks include:
- Production of design related media for promotional material
- Video and picture resource collection
- Social Media promotion and development
- Market research through customer feedback and directed inquiries
- Electronic communication with customers and general market
- In-Hand media creation for Sales
- Maintaining in-house branding standards
- Production support for assembly and operation in-house/on-site
- On-site media collection
- General media production for use company wide
I design resources to promote all the services we can offer our customers, as well as our whole business. We make giant machines that have a legacy of high quality and great precision. I work with rugged, heavy duty, hydraulic presses and press brakes that bend thick sheets of steel.
3D CAD Drafter
Mount Carmel, IL
Oct 2016 - Present (8 years 5 months)
I work directly with the engineering department at Pacific Press, utilizing SolidWorks to create, modify, and categorize parts for multiple varieties of hydraulic presses, press breaks, shears, and general heavy manufacturing machinery. I work with our sales department on promoting our products and company, utilizing various media.
My daily tasks include:
- Drafting parts in SolidWorks from legacy AutoCAD files, physical drawings, and new products
- Building large assemblies from legacy projects for current production and development
- Utilizing SolidWorks to create drawings for shop production in heavy manufacturing
- Using Made to Manage to input parts and projects into our companies production system
- Follow design intent to create parts in SW for rapid adjustment and cross development
- Build, assemble, and adjust multiple sub-assemblies into a singular assembly while maintaining scope and accuracy at every stage of development
Product Designer
SGT Design
Evansville, IN
Sep 2013 - Present (11 years 6 months)
I work on various projects ranging from a wide variety of clients. My goal is to provide my skills to people and businesses who do not have a design staff or the ability to develop their concepts on their own. I take ideas and develop them into real concepts that function and work for the tasks that they are needed for. Some people have good ideas but they have no idea how to make them work or how they could make them better. I seek to not only provide a way to create their concept but to create something that exceeds the expectations they may have initially had.
Design Manager and Project Coordinator
Grayslake, IL
Sep 2011 - Sep 2013 (2 years)
- Coordination of projects from start to finish, and future development
- Design machining processes for prototype products
- Create repeatable cost savings processes for ongoing project ideation
- Maintain design intent through construction process and integrating customer changes
- Understand material specifications for building and creation of products
- Design solutions for customers around existing design intentions
- Communication between departments for continuity in projects
- Development of projects for cost effective production
- Responsibility to achieve deadlines with quality and effectiveness
- Applying client changes to ongoing projects while sustaining quality and meeting deadlines
Resident Assistant
West Lafayette, IN
May 2009 - May 2011 (2 years)
- Develop community among diverse groups of people
- Provide structure and support to facilitate social and scholastic development among my residents
- Keep the regulations of Purdue University and instill them in my residents
- Give the opportunity for residents to make and develop lifelong relationships
- Sustaining scholastic achievement in my own studies while facilitating all of these things
Assistant Engineer Technician
Terra Group, LLC
Nappanee, United States
Aug 2005 - Oct 2005 (2 months)
- Converting old engineering drawings to 3-D CAD programming
- Organizing and cataloging past projects
- Coordinating old and current projects into new system for future reference
- Developing new projects with Engineering and Production