Tech support Co-Op
GE Aviation
Greenville, SC
Jun 2014 - Dec 2014 (6 months)
Aviation- Manufacturing Support Co-Op. Employed by GE to carry out various tasks that help to ensure the quality of High Pressure Turbine blades throughout manufacturing. Additional responsibilities included Lean and Plant Capacity studies. Plant Capacity Study: By performing multiple time studies of the manufacturing process, a plant wide machine utilization was done. This allowed the plant capacity to be calculated to reduce costs and improve budget allocation up to the year 2022. This tool helped to abate $500,000 of expenditure in capital equipment. Microset Inspection Development: Project leader in the development of the inspection process used for inspecting airfoil diffuser holes at the GE Aviation Greenville facility. After the development was complete, an SOP and Training Profile were written to train other employees and transition the process into the daily operation of the plant.
Asphalt Density Inspector Employed
Advance Testing Company
Campbell Hall, NY
Apr 2013 - Aug 2013 (4 months)