This was our groups initial concept and from here the second years in our group left and work alone, while the first years stayed together to finish the last part of the project.
Here is an example of the board we created, with the limited skills we had as a group at the time this was the best we could produce. However, having gained more experience from being at uni in programs such as solid works and photoshop I have decided to go back and rework the model.
These last two pictures show what I have created. The concept is still the same, except I've chosen to add more sections into the float as i believed there are more than 3 stages to learning to swim. The sections of the float are interlocked together via velcro. Also, I decided that instead of just keeping to the traffic light colour system, I would make the float available in various ranges of colour as I felt this would be more appealing to children and easier to accommodate for both boys and girls.
My float with a simple silhouette to demonstrate how the user uses the float.
Water wise

This was my first project at university. The brief was to produce a product related to water. My group chose the topic of swimming and we eventually got onto the theme of a technique aiding float.

This product aims to mimic the action of first learning to swim when parents hold the child up and then they just practise the technique of kicking their arms and legs. The idea of this float is that it is designed to help children learn to swim at all stages of the learning process, for example when they first start to learn the float is used in full, with the child holding onto the handles and then just kicking their legs. However, as the child becomes more confident the idea is that they removes sections of the float, highlighted by the different coloured sections. This reduces buoyancy meaning the child has to rely more on their technique.

Ronald Clark
Student Bournemouth, United Kingdom