Town House, Pimlico, SW1

Refurbishment of a Town House in The Pimlico Conservation Area
Completed 2011, Private Client
RD Architects, London Office

We proposed the infilling of the only outside space at the basement and the creation of a large, open lower ground floor room. We secured planning consent for a contemporary glass extension over the former yard and this also allowed us to incorporate enlarged vaults into the living space. We utilised the width of the house to create a new WC, Utility room and plant room in the front vaults with a connection into the living space. The layout of the house was completely reorganised with a new roof extension incorporating an automated retractable glazed roof. This created a magnificent multi-purpose room extending the entire width of the house. The roof can be opened during fine days and closes automatically if it rains.

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Ben Davidson
BA(Hons), Dip Arch, RIBA London, United Kingdom