I am a handbag, belt, footwear, and fashion accessories designer with 22 years of experience in design, product development, and production. I can design a brand from the logo to the final sales samples in any accessories category. I can create any type of bag or accessory, from a classic handbag to a high-tech gear or gadget collection. From bicycle bags to AirPod cases, I can design it all. I have experience with the following categories: men's, women's, juniors, and both leather and non-leather goods. My favorite collections to design are men's leather goods with a vintage twist and contemporary handbags. I often take on odd projects like using recycled materials to build a collection.
The great thing is that I can build a collection from the first sketch through to the final production. Design, product development, Flat sketch, pricing, negotiation, collection development, startup consulting, technical specs, materials sourcing, sales, hardware, leather, and a strong network of suppliers and factories worldwide. Specialize in working with factories in China, India, Cambodia, Italy, and the USA.
I can build a collection from the ground up. I have all the contacts, accessories, swatches and everything to start out. I work out of San Diego and Los Angeles.
For more information please email me at roccodante@gmail.com or visit our site at www.tarasauvage.com
My motto is: "If I can sketch it, I can make it."
I am very self-motivated and do not need much direction to take a concept and make it sales-worthy.
F.G.I. Fashion Group International