Graphic Designer
Moorhead, MN
Aug 2012 - Present (12 years 4 months)
Graphic design and/or layout of seasonal program brochure, advertising posters, flyers, logo design, Facebook and website ads, other design publications.
Graphic Designer, Advertising Editor
Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE)
Moorhead, MN
Apr 2007 - Present (16 years 11 months)
Graphic design and/or layout of all promotional advertising, including brochures, flyers, programs, logo design, posters, and website design. Advertising Editor for quarterly publication.
Design Assistant
Fargo, ND
Apr 2012 - Aug 2012 (4 months)
Graphic design and/or layout of marketing materials, including flyers, design and product brochures, and company promotional items.