Creative Director
Five Q
Oct 2011 - Present (13 years 5 months)
Responsibilities include management of entire creative team, hiring, training, review and quality control of all design materials produced for clients, refinement of in-house brand standards, execution of pixel-perfect UI designs as well as over oversight of the creative process on all projects.
Seth Rexilius Design
2008 - Present (17 years)
I've been working as a freelance designer on the side for more than half a decade, honing my craft and gaining valuable business principles and best-practices along the way. This work has also been instrumental in developing and maintaining a flexible design style, proficient project management and a commitment to client service. I love new challenges, so let me know if you'd like to talk!
Creative Director
May 2011 - Oct 2011 (5 months)
Responsibilities included brand strategy and evolution, development and implementation of all marketing materials for print and web, quality control of design materials and overall commitment
to detail-driven creativity. Markets included retail, food and b2b.
Art Director
Old Hat Creative
Nov 2009 - Apr 2011 (1 year 5 months)
Responsibilities included production of all facets of print design and marketing campaigns, ensuring highest level of quality was reached on every piece produced. Primarily created posters for more than 50 colleges and universities, as well as the NBA's Oklahoma City Thunder.
Graphic Designer
Idea Bank Marketing
Jul 2007 - Nov 2009 (2 years 4 months)
Responsibilities included production and execution of all facets of print design, especially identity suites, ads, packaging, photography and brochures. Market experience in retail, healthcare, automotive and financial.
Graphic Deigner
News Link
Apr 2005 - Jul 2007 (2 years 3 months)
Responsibilities included layout, newsletter style management, creation of print ads, copy editing,
as well as preparing, sending and approving files for print.