I’m a designer, a researcher and a maker. Not necessarily in that order, because designing, researching and making are inseparable to me.
When change is needed, I can help to imagine the things that aren't there yet: the desired new situation and the process to get there. To me, the use for a design approach extends far beyond the tangible environment of products and buildings. Every complex transition process benefits from design thinking, be it the development of new policies, new organization structures, new narratives or a new business model.
Here, in my coroflot portfolio, I share the objects that I make for my own pleasure. They are mostly textile based, because working with textile comes natural to me. I always search for a certain 'logic', a combination of clear aesthetics and functionality.
2022 Blue Economy Design Award, 1st prize
2008 Samsung Innovation Quest, 1st prize
2007 Designboom and De Padova, shortlisted
2004 Hema Design Contest, 3rd prize