Frontend Developer
Jun 2013 - Present (11 years 6 months)
I've just started the mobile gaming revolution!
Graphic Designer
Independent IP (IIP) BV
Aug 2011 - May 2013 (1 year 9 months)
He joins the company from Brazil where he studied Computer Science, shortly after the internet craze hit Brazil in 1996. He later worked as an Art Director with several internet companies located in Brazil, Portugual, Italy and Holland.
Renato’s passion for computers, radio control models and graphic design combined with his love for music and bicycles, provides IIP with the expertise needed to help create new guidelines for our software interfaces.
Recently relocated to Amsterdam, we’ve already seen his talent and dedication hard at work. We’re as excited to have him on board as he is to be to here.
Graphic Designer
Tint Totaal
Sep 2010 - Jun 2011 (9 months)
Graphic Designer Freelancer (Online/Print)
Mar 2009 - Dec 2010 (1 year 9 months)
As freelancer since 06/2009 until 06/2010.
After a decade as an employee and acquiring lots of knowledge under several web agencies, freelancing was the option to free up time and as result that brought me discipline and responsibility.
Featured jobs:
Project:Tesb-Telefônica Institucional
Technologies: Photoshop, XHTML+CSS
URL: http://www.notfound.com.br/tesb-telefonica/
Project: Sensus Cosméticos E-commerce
Technologies: Photoshop, XHTML+CSS, PHP, Magento
URL: http://www.notfound.com.br/sensus-cosmeticos/
Project: FloraisBach
Technologies: Photoshop, XHTML+CSS, PHP, Wordpress
URL: http://www.floraisbach.com.br/
Project: Carta Forense
Technologies: Photoshop, XHTML+CSS, PHP, Wordpress
URL: http://www.notfound.com.br/carta-forense/
Project: JustShop E-commerce
Technologies: Photoshop, XHTML+CSS
URL: http://www.justshop.com.br/
Project: Teleserv-Ite Institucional Site
Technologies: Photoshop, XHTML+CSS
URL: http://www.notfound.com.br/teleserv/
Project: Borbagato Motos
Technologies: Photoshop, Flash, XHTML+CSS
URL: http://www.notfound.com.br/borba-gato-motos/
Art Director 2006 and Project Manager 2008
iNova Digital
Apr 2005 - May 2009 (4 years 1 month)
Summary: Acting since the beginning of a company as web designer was responsible for all creation employ visual as well as output XHTML + CSS. Assuming as Art Director was responsible for approval of all the visual pieces created by the company and also by the initial production of almost all of them. As Project manager takes the responsibility for the quality of delivery, the risk management of projects, coordinating a small team of two assistants art, a programmer and another programmer html flash and also a bit of graphic design that is mine favorite
Art Director
All in Media Publicidade e Propaganda
Oct 2008 - Feb 2009 (4 months)
Summary: I was responsible for visual creation of some important projects that were produced by the company. I could also support the XHML+CSS production.
Wed Designer
Company: Enterweb - Lisbon/PT
Apr 2002 - Jan 2005 (2 years 9 months)
Summary: I was responsible for visual creation of the majority of websites that the company had also produced the sites in html. In 2004 we started to investigate and better understand XHTML + CSS, Tableless, Rules of semantics, Webstandards and began to apply these techniques in my work
2005 - 2005
Art Assistent, Webdesigner
Nov 1999 - Mar 2001 (1 year 4 months)
Summary: My first job, where I learned all the techniques of finishing and printing files. My position was assistant art responsible for producing CD covers, magazine layout files, and creation of packaging given Revlon Brazil. Assumed post of Web designer, my role was to supply the demand for web creation for customers since the company doing the html layout to production, publication and maintenance. We created several CD-ROMS for corporate presentation, my involvement was in the production and animation files in Macromedia FLASH