I'm an experienced UI/UX designer and front end developer focused on delivering interactive websites with an emphasis on accessibility and standards. I'm devoted to every project and always use the latest technologies for delivering the most high-end results. Coming from a Graphic Design background enables me to pay special attention to Pixel Perfect Design, 2D Art, Logos, Animations, typography, colors, UI/UX. I am very much familer and experienced in CSS frameworks, Bootstrap, Wordpress, Joomla cross-browser & reponsive design. I am also very comfortable to work within PHP/MySql or dynamic enviornment including zend and YII Frameworks.
Very Passionate about iPhone / Android App Design I always try to provide clean and usable user interface design that improves the user experience of the Application and simplifies the core tasks. I work closely with the developers (iPhone,Android,Web) to help them integrate the designs.