Freelance Art Director
Nashville, TN
Feb 2018 - Present (6 years 10 months)
Freelance Art Director looking to take on anything that falls in the creative category. I have a heavy Advertising background with a lot of creative development. I have a strong production background as well. I have done everything from Shopper Marketing, B2B, Branding, Digital Marketing, Creative Services to General Advertising.
Design Associate
Rainone Design Group-Interior Design
Chicago, IL
Jun 2016 - Dec 2016 (6 months)
This was a contract position where I Was the assistant to an Interior Designer. I wanted to expand my creative field and Interior design was something else I wanted to learn more about. I spent 6 months learning and absorbing as much information in this field as possible. I did everything from Pulling and searching for materials for clients to scheduling furniture/painting, Installs to an administrative role.
Sr.Production Artist & Creative Development specialized
Ogilvy & Mather
Chicago, IL
Mar 2012 - Jun 2016 (4 years 3 months)
I handle the creative development that comes through the studio working with Sr. Art Directors to develop concepts and execute design and layouts.. I also work on keylines, displays, Web Banners, PFPs, FSI’s,Shopper Marketing & Retouching. I started strictly as a keyliner and have moved into more of a creative role in the studio. I have the diversity to work on just about anything with my keyline and creative experience.
Freelance Art Director
Chicago, IL
Nov 2008 - May 2012 (3 years 6 months)
Freelance work: website design, direct mail work, logos, large document layout/redesign, newsletters, branding for new client pitch and Trade Show Exhibit Banners.
Senior Production Artist
Boston, MA
Mar 2008 - Nov 2008 (8 months)
Working on clients like HSBC, Best Buy, GM. Creating
direct mail pieces, executing typography, layout and
design challenges. Fast paced work and very intricate
details involved with every piece.
Graphic Designer
The Integer Group
Denver, United States
Jan 2007 - Feb 2008 (1 year 1 month)
Designer for one of the largest ad agencies in Denver. Handled the layout and production of a variety of jobs and clients. Design skills and a good eye for detail were involved with rebuilding comps, which included but are not limited to, re-sizing, pulling hi-res files to replace low res layouts, building files from sketches, intense Photoshop retouching work was required as well as extensive knowledge of Illustrator. Building files to look identical to the provided comps and correctly assembling and releasing the files for print. Examples of work are, large outdoor boards, magazine print ads, header cards, shelf flags, in store package displays and signage, banners, decals, mirrors, metal signs, table tents, posters etc. Worked with some of the largest clients in their industry, Coors, P&G and Polaris.
Graphic Designer/Production Artist
The Sports Authority
Denver, United States
Mar 2005 - Jan 2007 (1 year 10 months)
Corporate Offices Graphic Designer/Production Artist Multi-million dollar newspaper print production and national circulation. Design and production of weekly newspaper sporting goods advertising. Direct mail, magazine and newspaper print.
Freelance Art Director
Athorn Clark & Partners
2005 - 2005
Advertising Agency New York City Freelance Graphic Designer Design of corporate materials, media kits, informational brochures, marketing communication materials and trade show exhibit booth materials. New York Moves Magazine: New York City
Senior Art Director-Contract Position
New York Moves Magazine
New York, NY
Jul 2004 - Nov 2004 (4 months)
• Designed and produced a women’s monthly Fashion, Lifestyle and Career magazine,
layout and design of over 100 pages, including photography, illustrations and typesetting.
• Directed photo shoots for fashion, beauty and cover stories.
• Handled the packaging and production of the magazine for print.
• Managed freelance designers
• Designed media kits and marketing materials.