Portfolio slide featuring Egnater brand redesign, including letterhead, business card, logo design and product manual. The intent here was to focus on the highly engineered and modern design of Egnater's modular concept - detailed in the hex-screw icon, bringing Egnater's classic amp design more in line with their modern engineering sensibilities.
Magazine cover concept designs based on the Esquire style.
Complete brand manual for logo usage for The King's English.
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Gallery Guide - small format publication design focused on an art exhibition.
Menu design.
Indianapolis Colts promotional poster concept/design.
Illustrator based creative concepts work.
Package design concept and mock up.
Book jacket concept (1 of 3)
Book jacket concept (2 of3)
Book Jacket concept (3 of 3)
Book jacket concept - accompanying bookmark design, front.
Book jacket concept - accompanying bookmark design, back.
Student work - Specs, Rochester

Student work done during my time at Specs Howard.

Michael Miller
Digital Content Coordinator and Creator - Videographer, graphic designer, musician Metro Detroit, MI