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Dashboard Visual Design
EntrancePrime Dashboard

About EntrancePrime :
EntrancePrime is a complete online exam preparation tool that offers the best methods and tools to make your entrance exam preparation much easier and interesting. It offers study material and online test preparation packages for all kinds of entrance exams in India. IIT-JEE online preparation, AIEEE online preparation, AIPMT online preparation, RPMT online preparation, MAT online preparation, Bank exam preparation and MBA entrance exam. These online test packages will enable users to take the online tests so that users can analyze and compare their test preparation with national-level in-depth analysis. A sure shot success in entrance exams is guaranteed with exam tricks and exam details offered by EntranePrime.

Goals and Challenge
Understand how teachers and technical staff prepare a test series from back end. Make it more easier and conversational back end which allows the teachers to easily create test papers.

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Prasad Marewar
Lead UX Architect Mumbai, India