Yin and Yang - Newspaper Ad - Concept, art direction and design: Orven Enoveso Copy: Guile Canencia
AmbigramAd iComm Sportsfest - The headline reads: Work Hard. But when turned around, it reads Play hard. The next slide in this folder shows this same ad turned 180 degrees.
AmbigramAd iComm Sportsfest - The headline now reads: Play Hard. Turned right side up it reads Work Hard. The previous slide in this folder shows this same ad turned right side up.
Outsource vs. Insource - Newspaper Ad - Concept, art direction, design and copy: Orven Enoveso
Quick vs. Slow - Newspaper Ad - Concept, art direction, design and copy: Orven Enoveso Additional design: Tomas Estrada
Quantity vs. Quality - Newspaper Ad - Concept, art direction, design and copy: Orven Enoveso Additional design: Tomas Estrada
Opportunity vs. Obscurity - Newspaper Ad - Concept, art direction, design: Orven Enoveso Copy: Guile Canencia Additional design: Tomas Estrada
iComm International Ads
Orven Enoveso
Marketing Operations Manager at Lexmark Cebu, Philippines