Hasbro TV Board Games | Package Design
Smithsonian | Volcano CD Package Redesign
Beadalicious | Brand Identity & Package Design
Nano Pens | Brand Identity & Package Design
Magic Sand | Package Redesign Concept
Woodburning Kit | Packaging Redesign Concept - Box needed a complete redesign for improved marketability. Decided on a "wooden box" design theme, and a title treatment that looked like it was "burned" into the box itself.
Corvette & Hummer Art Activity Sets | Package Design
Toy Packaging - NSI Toys

Packaging concepts produced for NSI Toys (makers of the original "Magic Rocks" and the "Smithsonian" line of scientific toys.) These designs were developed from the sheets of my sketch pad, right on up to full-size physical comps. Often, I was tasked with 'refreshing' certain of NSI's products in an effort to reinvigorate buyer and consumer interests in their catalogue of brands. These concepts were prepared for the illustrious "Toy Fair" convention of 2008.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Omar Mejia
Creative Director | Multi-disciplined Designer + Illustrator New York, NY