Smetti - Brief
We were tasked to design a service focused on people and health. Our group chose to help people to quit smoking. From our initial research, we discovered that 70% of smokers want to quit. So we asked ourselves why aren’t they quitting? So we set out to look for a new, motivating and fun solution. This lead us to look into the habits of smokers in the institute.
We conducted interviews and surveys and probed into the smoking habits of our peers. Our findings reinforced the reality that is peer pressure. From this insight, we began drafting some 40 service ideas.
It was evident that the ideas we generated had to be tested. We chose two of the most compelling ideas, one of which was called “Smokenders Challenge.” The concept was simple: two smokers were pitted against one another to see which one could stay cigarette free for a longer time. People were also asked to place their bets on their favored "smokender." The overwhelming participation made our experiment a success, but did not prepare us for certain challenges along the way.
After testing and prototyping our ideas, we refined them and came up with Smetti, the quit smoking challenge. It combined the strengths of our previous ideas and used existing technologies, mainly the web, where players were brought together. We created a scenario to illustrate how the service works. This scenario presentation was praised by Mr. Bill Moggridge: “Nicest scenario presentation I've seen in a long time. Still images with the flags made the point -- really brilliant.”
As part of the course, we were asked to design one service touch-point. The most logical one for us was the web, it acted as a hub and platform for all the events to occur. We built the engine that would allow people to challenge those within their circle as well as invite spectators. To see a prototype visit