My name is Kate and my story is one of hope, possibilities, and creative spirit that guides me in every aspect of my life. I believe if I can dream it, I can do it.
I have been an artist for as long as I have memory. As I grew older, art came from a place deep within my soul. I never gave a moment’s thought to needing a back-up plan.
Embarking on a journey of art exploration, I tried my hand at illustrations, printing ,designing and painting. Fortune led me to art schools and Universities, and the opportunity to be in on-going community with other professional artists and designers.
My life changed with one defining phone call in the spring of when the head of neurology at 2004 informed me that my test results confirmed I had MS. . Before my diagnosis, alternative health practitioners guided me to improved health. But now my goal was more distinctly defined. I was determined that, through education, attitude, alternative medicine, and lifestyle changes my condition would improve—always keeping in mind that even illness could expose me to hidden gifts and new awareness.
I had been proud of the balance in my life and I was coerced into redefining myself, reinventing my life, and reconsidering my dreams—as though life were double-daring me to dig deep and find answers. I was up for the challenge and set off on a quest to learn about this disease, about what was available from traditional medicine and its possible side effects, and what my alternatives might be.
In the meantime I began building a Website NIKEFORMS.COM that would allow me to share my thoughts and art , connect other people with MS and without MS through art and lead this project to a real collaboration with NIKE COMPANY .By this project I could contribute some value and give other patients the opportunity to express themselves.
If we engage our days with an independent spirit and with confidence and trust in our own instincts and abilities, we encourage the flow of new ideas. As creative individuals, we light our own fires and, in turn, we may brighten the way for others.
Life is amazing—in sickness and in health.
With love Kate.