Tablet Sr Features - This Tablet was created with the mining sector in mind, hence features like high powered lights, and a bulkier IR touchscreen so that it can be used while wearing gloves. The top antenna enclosure is plastic rather than metal, to allow wireless and bluetooth signals through.

Concept Evolution - While it ran, the Stage 1 prototype was more to communicate the final idea. There's several 3D models for CNC'd aluminum, injection molded plastic, and die-cast versions of the main body shell on the way to Stage 2, and a few more after. This was a result of the clients changing the manufacturing process and internal components, along with durability testing results.

Tablet Sr Handle - In addition to grips, the handles serve as an outer frame to protect the main body from damage, like the bumpers on a car. We tried to keep the solid metal look of the original when increasing the shock absorption, hiding rubber cushions inside a thinner metal shell. While it worked, it also complicated design and manufacture; a set of type 1's had 9 unique pieces, a set of 2's had 13! The final version has 1, which can be used on either side (easier infield replacement).

Some of the sketches I had drawn during concept development. I had just purchased a tablet at the time and was eager to use it so a lot of the work was done digitally. I also created a lot of simple 3D models, sometimes using them as underlays then drawing iterations of the concept on top of it.

During the concept phase we made several foam mockups; by scaling our drawings around known hand sizes and the proposed screen we were able to get a better sense of the actual product size. These were followed later in development by a 3D printed model containing volume models of the proposed internals, and then series of working prototypes for the SMOPYC show in Zaragoza Spain (photographed in the bottom center and left column)