This is the collection of Voodoo treasures that I designed for the game.
This is the Robot treasure collection that I designed for the game.
For the first year anniversary of the game, I was asked to create this "Traveler Cake". It has the game logo on the top. In addition to being released for the first anniversary, it was also given as a prize for the 500,000th treasure.
Traveler's Quest

Traveler's Quest is a GPS driven virtual geocaching game for the iPhone created by Kitty Code, LLC. Players collect virtual treasures which they then "bury" in real world locations and attempt to hide from other players. In 2010, I was hired as a freelance artist to create treasure collections for the game. Here you will see the artwork that I created for the game, using Adobe Illustrator CS4. This is a game that can currently be purchased and played on the iPhone. Visit the game website to learn more.

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Molly Weiner
Managing Editor and Graphic Designer at Fighter 411 Magazine Boca Raton, FL