After coming up with the main story for our game, we were tasked with coming up with concept art. Our main character ends up on the deserted island after his submarine explodes and he escapes in a pod. We decided upon a steampunk theme, so I came up with this design for the escape pod, which ended up being known as "the coffin". Software: Illustrator CS4
This is concept art for the first puzzle in the game, where the player must balance rocks on each arm of the statue in order to gain a piece of the amulet and entrance into the second level. Software: Illustrator CS4
Finally, this is concept art for the amulet, which consists of three pieces, corresponding to the three puzzles the player must complete in order to reach the end of the game. Software: Illustrator CS4
This is the first version of the logo for the game. We were going for a contrast between the steampunk/industrial feel of the invading forces and the native culture of the island. Software: Illustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4
This is the final version of the main menu screen. The "Island" text was created using Illustrator, Maya, and Photoshop, based on a tutorial by Alex Beltechi found here: While still sticking with the steampunk theme, we decided to take a darker approach. Thus I created the "Heart" text to look like it was made of veins that were almost pulsing on the screen. The small character in silhouette on the bottom right will appear again in the final cutscene. I felt that it was important to have repeated and consistent styles and imagery throughout the game. This character, serving to "bookend" the game, is just one of those efforts. Software: Illustrator CS5.5, Maya 2012, Photoshop CS5.5
This loading screen is another effort to carry visual themes and styles throughout the game. The scratch marks around the edge of the screen and the veins coming off the bottom of the tree are present on the main menu, while the gears stay with the steampunk idea. The tree itself will also be seen again during the last cutscene. Software: Photoshop CS5.5
This instructions screen was created in the same style as the journal, while mimicking exactly what the HUD will look like while one plays the game. This includes the drop-down inventory, virtual joysticks, and backpack icon. Software: Photoshop CS5.5
The following images are part of the journal element of the game. As the player traverses the island, they will be given the option to pick up journal entries along the way. These would reveal elements of the backstory that they would not have necessarily understood had they chosen to leave the journal entries on the ground. Based on an outline that the team leader came up with, I was tasked with writing the journal as though it were composed by a soldier in that time period. The text is supplemented with photographs and sketches, and becomes increasingly haphazard as the Beast closes in on the main character towards the end of the journal. Software: Photoshop CS5.5
This is the icon I created to open the game from the iPad home screen. Software: Photoshop CS5.5
In addition to creating the 2D assets for the game, I was also responsible for the website which described and advertised our project and team. I created the site using HTML5 and CSS3. I also created an image gallery utilizing JavaScript and a contact form using PHP. The website can be found at the following location:
Heart of the Island - Senior Project

Heart of the Island, the title of my senior project, is a fully functional 3D puzzle-based adventure game for the iPad. Over the last eight months at school, my team and I created this game from concept to completion. My responsibility on the project was to create all 2D artwork, animations, and UI elements required for the game. Please check out the following images and videos which will give you an understanding of the process involved in the creation of this game and my role. Additionally, you can go to our production journal blog where we logged our work each week if you would like a more in depth look at our work:

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Molly Weiner
Managing Editor and Graphic Designer at Fighter 411 Magazine Boca Raton, FL