Graphic Designer
Garden City, NY
Apr 2000 - Present (24 years 11 months)
I have been a graphic designer for Lifetime Brands, Inc. for over 18 years. My design skills are primarily on packaging. However, I am also involved with promotional material and trade show graphics.
Lifetime Brands supplies products to the top housewares retailers of North America. Such as Wal-Mart, Bed Bath & Beyond, Macy's, KOHLS and Target. Such brands include: KitchenAid, Farberware, Mikasa, Food Network, Sabatier, Pfaltzgraff, Kamenstein, Guy Fieri, Fred & Friends, Built, Mossy Oak and Savora.
Aside from my full-time position with Lifetime Brands, Inc. I am also freelance designer. I specialize in corporate identity as well as promotional material. If you have a vision I am there to see your project through from start to finish.
Independent Avon Representative
Aug 1997 - Present (27 years 7 months)
I've been an Independent Avon Representative for over 15 years. I trust the product, therefore I value the company. Avon offers excellent social interactions, networking and friendships.
Being an Independent Representative allows me to budget my time for the business and throughout the years has helped me to better understand how to operate my own personal business.
Graphic Designer
Michael Tedesco Studio
Aug 1997 - Apr 2000 (2 years 8 months)
Graphic designer that worked hand-in-hand with the art director. Michael Tedesco Studio was the primary graphics studio for Audiovox. I also worked on the Lucent and At&T accounts. Packaging, catalogs and brochures were my main focus.
Freelance Graphic Artist
Jun 1997 - Sep 1997 (3 months)
Freelance graphic artist providing basic design skills for annual trade publications.