I am a Web Experience creator, leader, and evangelist with over 15 years of expertise in multi-faceted roles within corporate, agency, small-business, and consulting environments. I led a team of programmers and producers for over five years and have held senior roles in creative and technical strategy for over 10 years. Among the many tasks I have been responsible for are: serving as project manager for web development projects; user task analysis; creating technical documents such as functional specifications, wireframes, and information architecture diagrams; user interface design, web design and production; testing web applications; writing user documentation; and creating web analytics and search reports. With over 7 years of experience with SharePoint, I am a subject matter expert in branding, customizations, site collection administration, and power user features. With nearly a decade of experience working on a corporate intranet, I am well-versed in the challenges of large-scale portals and intranets. I have led the creation of dozens of web applications, from simple one-form apps to large enterprise-level applications with granular security and complex admins.
Specialties: creative leadership,user experience design, user interface design, information architecture, user task analysis, web project management, SharePoint site collection administration, branding, and customizations, CSS, HTML, web graphic design, branding
Center for Digital Government Best of the Web: Top 10 State Website, ms.gov, 2013
Center for Digital Government Best of the Web: Top 5 State Website, ms.gov, 2012